Ella Kucza


Language talent in online marketing

Ella Kucza Portrait

The 21-year-old Gym enthusiast is currently studying International Business at Münster University of Applied Sciences and is now completing her internship semester with us to gain valuable experience. Prior to that, she was able to gain skills in e-commerce at a fashion house.

When she is not enriching our team with her lovely nature, Ella loves to travel around the world. During her school years and studies she spent 10 months in America, 6 months in Australia and 9 months in Finland – we admire this curiosity, and the courage to venture out of her comfort zone. Ella is an adventurer who not only travels the Australian east coast in a self-built campervan, but also has a lot to offer musically.

Ella is particularly enthusiastic about social media marketing and is currently actively supporting us in this area. She loves the internationality of her studies and enjoys exchanging ideas with people all over the world. We think it’s mega and exactly this skill will definitely take her far.

Great to have you with us!
