Ann-Kristin Born strengthens Schwarz+Matt

Ann-Kristin Born strengthens Schwarz+Matt

Schwarz+Matt gains new members in the management team. Since August, the 27-year-old has been in charge of operations and, together with founder André Schirmer, forms the Dortmund agency’s new management duo.

New direction, new website, new face. Schwarz+Matt is changing and setting the course for growth. Started in 2016 above a Dortmund billiard bar, the agency grew into a supraregional agency brand, won more than 300 Customers and employs 25 permanent staff in the areas of brand strategy, brand design and brand communication. The position of operational manager remained vacant most recently. Until now.

“I am very pleased that Ann-Kristin shares our vision of brands for tomorrow and brings new impetus for our growth. In the role of operational managing director, she is the perfect complement to meet the increasing demands for our growth,” says André Schirmer, who founded Schwarz+Matt six years ago.

In addition to her master’s degree at the International School of Management (ISM), Ann-Kristin brings to her new tasks via 6 years of professional experience, including 3 years as managing director of two brands in the group with. At 24, she was one of the youngest managing directors at all. At Schwarz+Matt, the Sauerland native is responsible for Operations, Human Resources and Customer Success. “I am excited to start the future with an ambitious and talented team,” says Ann-Kristin Born. “An external customer relationship has become an internal business relationship,” adds Schirmer.

Schwarz+Matt is not only a brand itself, but has also been placing the topic of brands in the agency’s focus since August. “As a brand, design and communications agency, we create visionary brands for tomorrow that inspire across all digital touchpoints and make companies more successful,” Born and Schirmer agree. Against the backdrop of the strong drive for transformation in the SME sector, Schwarz+Matt is focusing on further growth. The team has the confidence to do almost anything, but keeping their feet still is not one of them.

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